Sharing Power with David Emerson

A new episode of Revolutionary Love & Resilience is ready for your ears.

In it, David Emerson, founder of Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) offers his insights around how we can share power with our students and clients as facilitators and care providers.  He shares his own history and work with folks impacted by PTSD and all that he had to learn in order to be able to share yoga and help it be truly healing. 

Dave is the founder of Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) and the co-founder of the center for Trauma and Embodiment at the Justice Resource Institute in Massachusetts. Dave has trained internationally in the TCTSY model since 2006 and has developed, conducted, and supervised TCTSY groups for rape crisis centers, domestic violence programs, residential programs for youth, active duty military personnel, survivors of terrorism, and Veterans Administration centers and clinics and more.

He is the author or co-author of numerous papers on yoga and trauma, is the co-author of Overcoming Trauma through Yoga, released in 2011 by North Atlantic Books and the author of, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga in Therapy(Norton, 2015).

I apologize that the sound is not great… we did the best we could! I hope you can make your way through it without too much discomfort.

Click here to listen:

I hope you love it! If you do, I would be so grateful if you could share it with anyone you know who needs to hear it!


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