1:1 Healing & Nervous SysteM Support

Imagine finally getting to feel like yourself. Allowing nourishing space and support to help gently lift the layers that you’ve been carrying - all the things that are not yours and were never yours.

This work helps you remember your essence and claim who you are, what you want and where you’re headed in a compassionate, deep and sustainable way.

New paradigm CARE

Somatic. Compassionate. Skilled.

Together, we’ll tend to all that’s here so that you truly feel safe enough and steady enough to meet each moment with curiosity and meet it as a friend.

I know you’ve already done so much healing and so much work - and that’s an understatement. It’s time to try something different and to stop pushing so hard. There is so much more here for you.


Meeting the possibilities of healing

when our hearts have been broken and our bodies have been carrying too much…

we tend to find ourselves foggy, lost, sick, tired and not fully here in life as we imagined we could be. Trauma creates broken connection in health, relationships, work, spirituality… so many places and especially in our relationships to ourselves.

With co-regulating somatic work, we can finally heal and turn our hearts towards life in a new way. When we can welcome all parts of ourselves, a steadiness and soothing arrives that embraces all that we carry and all that we meet in our lives in the day-to-day. This advanced trauma specialization meets people with developmental and complex trauma in ways many of us had only dreamed of. I am deeply honored to offer this attachment-based support that:

  • gives us back our health

  • brings us into new relationship with the pains and pleasures we carry

  • helps us take up nourishment in body, mind and soul

  • re-connects us to our purpose, goals and desires

  • offers us choice and helps us advocate for what we want and need

  • reminds us of our worthiness and belonging

  • brings us home to ourselves and our bodies

  • helps us be more genuine and stand more fully in who we are

  • repairs our heavy hearts and helps them soften

  • shows us the strength of our boundaries and helps us feel powerful enough to use them

  • helps us breathe and move and sleep more easily

  • gives us the more that we’ve been wanting in ways that we never knew were possible

Client Experiences…

“I originally worked with Shelby doing somatic therapy to process my intense stress and PTSD. She has helped me in many ways; from teaching me to notice my window of tolerance and to be gentle with myself, to breathing exercises and grounding techniques. I’ve learned that I do not need to re-traumatize myself in trauma healing work…. I am happy to be healing with her.”
-R.D. Portland, Oregon

“Shelby is utterly present during sessions and a true master at what she does. She cares deeply for her clients, and it shows. As a result of working with her, I've been able to move forward in situations where I've previously felt stuck, and experienced the huge relief and permission to not have to be perfect!

I've experienced a deep, profound connection to myself, in Shelby's presence. If you have a chance to work with Shelby, I highly, highly recommend it. Thank you Shelby, for being such a loving, gifted, dedicated and passionate practitioner.”
-R.D London, UK

Healing trauma isn’t about fixing or figuring out.

it’s not about pushing for change.

Old school trauma healing pushes us past our edges when we’re already overwhelmed and carrying too much. We don’t have to go back into the past to heal the present and become activated by details of past stories. We can’t talk trauma away.

Our bodies carry the history of our lives. They carry the map for how we got here and they also have the wisdom for how to remember our wholeness. Healing in mind/body/spirit/soul is where it’s at and I am deeply honored at the possibility of walking this path with you.

By working with your nervous system and welcoming all parts of who you are, we can support your body to process through the parts of your history that still send you into reactivity and keep you stuck and come into a place of peace and expansiveness.

When we become regulated and steady, we can meet life whole-heartedly without all the noise. Trauma healing is about coming into new relationship with ourselves, all we’ve been through, where we’re headed and everything around us. We’re able to respond instead of react.

built on connection

This work is based on attachment

Developmental and complex trauma happen in relationship.
Healing can happen in relationship too.

Healing is a collaboration and a partnership in this work. We show up together to support what YOU would love to have happen in each moment and in your life. We meet all that arises with support, awareness, compassion and care. And when you have a hard time finding that in yourself, I’ve got plenty for both of us - there’s space here for you to lean in.

Client Stories

“I turned to Shelby for coaching at a time when I felt incredibly vulnerable.  A huge issue from my past that I thought I had healed from had reared its head again, and I felt shame, alone and not sure if I could belong. Shelby held me with such incredible tenderness and compassion, and I felt 100% seen and heard in all of my pain, but also in all of my aliveness.

Through my work with Shelby I took back my power, and had the courage to speak my truth. The work with Shelby continued to vibrate and unfold in me long after the sessions finished - I went from a hot wavering mess to feeling strong and vibrant.  I feel very blessed to have experienced the power, wisdom and gentleness of Shelby’s presence and skills and, as a coach myself, I truly appreciate Shelby as one of the very, very best.”

S.J. - Melbourne, Australia

“I feel beyond fortunate to have been a recipient of Shelby’s incredible gifts. I have never met someone who is SO present and able to take people as deep as they are ready to go. The first time I worked with her I was in disbelief at how she was able to hold space for me to help me come to my deepest truths.

The word that comes to mind when I think of working with Shelby is nourished. She has an ability in every session to help my mind, body and soul feel so held and so filled up with love, that it makes even going through the toughest darkest stuff, actually somewhat pleasurable.

Shelby is also an incredible educator and I always feel like there is something I learn from her whenever I work with her. Please do your heart and soul a favor and work with this incredible woman.”

B.H. - Encenitas, California



What are sessions like?

As a Transforming Touch Practitioner, this advanced nervous system regulation modality works directly with the body/mind connection.

Supporting various systems in your body to allow it to heal at it's deepest levels.

This connecting, gentle and present work can include:

  • you talking or being silent depending on what feels most alive for you each session.

  • slowing down together to meet what’s present in your life.

  • being welcome to bring all parts of yourself.

  • being guided consistently for most or all of each session through the body-based and co-regulation protocol.

  • trauma informed mindfulness and breathing practices.

  • working with “intentional touch” in online sessions and “supportive touch” if we meet in person. Both equally powerful.

Let’s meet and I can answer any of your questions and share more with you about this particular healing work.

Meeting is so important because the relationship is foundational to the healing that’s possible here.

These calls are zero pressure and to make sure it feels like a great fit all around.

If you have a few questions before you’d like to book a call, click the button below and send me a short email and I’ll get back to you within a few days. I’m not one of those practitioners that won’t reply even if I’m full. I will always respond so be sure to keep a lookout in all your random email folders!

the next step


  • Sessions are weekly during the first 3 weeks of each month (I take time off the last week of each month).

  • 1-Hour whether on Zoom or in person in Central Oregon

  • $750/month for 6-months with an option to renew.

    The results you receive with THIS work often happens faster than if you were to see, for example, a talk therapist for months or years on end.

    These sessions also tend to be more nourishing and settling for the nervous system than an intense coaching type of container where you might move quickly but may have a rubber band effect from too much too fast.

    We find the sweet spot just for you and your unique path - steady and supportive. These results often go much deeper than other types of containers and last for a lifetime.

  • This work is here to support you whole-heartedly. Some people enjoy the ongoing support and stay for years and others find the initial 6-months to be more than enough nourishment to take with them for a lifetime. Some come and go over the years. Up to you and what feels ultimately MOST loving and supportive for YOU and your nervous system and process.

  • Once we talk, if it seems like a great fit and it feels like a full body yes all around, we’ll pick a date to get started and a consistent day/time on the schedule to meet.

    I’ll send you a basic intro and info form with things in it like confidentiality and info about the sessions. Then I’ll send an invoice for your first month, and an intake form that will help us dive into your process together.

    Sometimes there’s a waitlist and in that case, we’ll let you know where you are on the waitlist - we’ll always let you know how long we think it will be.

    Then we get started!!!