Shelby Leigh, LLC believes that trauma-informed care, when done correctly, is rooted in the foundation of equity. Through the teaching of trauma-informed care to facilitators and healthcare professionals of diverse backgrounds and experiences Shelby Leigh, LLC works to create systemic changes to address and reduce the recurrence of trauma experienced from policies and procedures that perpetuate inequities.
We seek to recognize historical and current disparities within our community at large and to acknowledge and elevate culturally specific organizations and leaders who serve marginalized communities. This is done by prioritizing folks for scholarships who hold marginalized identities - BIPOC, LGBTQIIA+, folks with disabilities, single moms, refugees, first generation immigrants, etc. And through inviting guest teachers and facilitators who hold marginalized identities. We believe that trauma-informed care cannot occur without the integration of equitable practices.
We acknowledge with deep appreciation the Klamath and Warm Springs people and the unceded traditional land where we now hold our office in Bend, Oregon. Because of the sacrifices, they were forced to endure we are now able to live and work in this beautiful location, and we recognize the pain and suffering brought forth through colonization.
Shelby Leigh, LLC includes a commitment to working with an anti-racist lens with our approach to trauma-informed care to ensure that inequities and oppressions are included in the work being done with the aim of allowing for an opportunity for the healing of those with marginalized identities.
shelby leigh