Lost And Confused And FOMO

Are you feeling lost for WHICH DANG PRACTICE TO CHOOSE?  Lately I’ve been feeling all of these shoulds on my shoulders and, with such a huge basket of tools and practices, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with choice because they’re ALL SO GOOD.  Which, in turn, leaves me wanting to do nothing besides pace around my house shuffling papers around to see if I can get ORGANIZED! Cause, if I can get everything organized, everything will feel in control, right?!  NOPE.
This could be the farthest from the truth although we both know how compelling it is.  It leaves me feeling like I have more on my to-do list that I don’t know how to manage. Then, there’s that little part of me that’s feeling forgotten and disconnected as to why I can’t figure out how to sit my butt down.  
So, I am here to say…. Here is my main “go-to” practice that I’ve practiced as long as I’ve practiced practices ;-). This one Is simple, yet deep. If you only do this one, you could practice it every day forever and it will help bring you to a place of inner connection and inner kindness. 
This past year I’ve been practicing mindfulness meditation with my mouth slightly open and breathing in and out through my mouth, which was taught to me through a Tibetan mindfulness teacher. I noticed after I got through the awkwardness of it, I feel more sensations in my body in doing it and it also helps me melt and soften much easier. I encourage you to try it out for yourself and see how it goes.
As always, I LOVE hearing from you and how these practices and posts impact you.  I am also happy to answer questions.
**Click on the image below to play the video.


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