Crystal Avila Langen: Pleasure, Regulation & Titration for Business

Ep. 18: Pleasure, Regulation & Titration for Business with Crystal Avila Langen

How can we thrive as coaches & entrepreneurs amidst life's chaos? Crystal and I explore regulation, titration & pleasure (even If we aren't in the mood for pleasure) from a business perspective. We investigate how we can embrace our familiar survival responses around stress and urgency through care, pleasure, regulation and connection as we operate our businesses. Crystal shares how her near death experience showed her what's important and how to come into presence and breath to stay regulated through it all.

About Crystal Avila Langen 

Crystal is a Coach for Revolutionary Entrepreneurs who want to run their business with the principles of fun, play, and pleasure. 

She is a Certified Speaker, Online Course Creatress and Thought Leader. 

Crystal is the leader of the women’s movement The Red Lip Revolution™ and is passionate about reclaiming the lost Sacred Art of Adornment and how such a simple and accessible act can provide such profound shifts. She loves anything entrepreneurship, business, marketing, branding, money, spreadsheets, friendship, and music. Crystal lives in the SF Bay Area and has 3 amazing children and has been devoted to her beloved for 22 years. She has a degree in Instructional Technology.

You can find her at:

and on Facebook at RECLAMATION with Crystal Langen

I invite you to get on over there and have a listen and let me know how it lands for you! I’m really excited about this new podcast and want to keep shaping it around what’s supportive and engaging for YOU.

Have a listen here: 🎤 🎧




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