How to spend more time coaching & less time selling with Julia Wells

Do you ever feel frustrated that it seems like you often spend more time running your business than you do working in it doing the thing you love most (coaching, teaching, serving, etc). Oh wow have I been through this over and over and over again.

I hear this all the time from others too and I realized I have a lot to say about this as someone who has had a sold out practice that allows me to both have a solid income base AND know that I don’t have to hunt for clients because once I get one, they tend to become lifetime customers/clients.

Seriously though, I’m often reflecting on how in the heck I got to a place in my practice where it’s full… really really full… like forever (no… really). I remember all of those years - especially around a decade ago - where I’d struggle and fret - wondering if my practice would ever get to a point where I didn’t have to stress about more people signing up and I’d think about giving up all the time because I just hated the marketing and selling process. I didn’t want to try and convince people to sign up to work for me… it just felt daunting and anxiety producing.

The magic in having a full and sustainable practice that doesn’t have endless drastic ebbs and flows isn’t in being amazing at sales calls (I’m not great at them, let me tell you!)… it’s in something else. And we talk about this in our call that’s linked below.

If you don’t love sales calls… if they make you feel nervous, needy or gross, we’ve got you!

I teamed up with my amazing friend/coach/mentor Julia Wells ( and created a mini-training How to spend more time coaching and less time selling - 4 trauma informed and pleasure based strategies to help you fill your practice and stay sold out, that will teach you how to spend more time coaching and less time selling (and how to turn the sales process into one that feels more pleasurable for you AND the customer ).

This is how both of us have sold out our private practices and had to shut them down to new folx because people just keep renewing.

Julia is an insanely game-changing biz coach who truly brings the ease into all things business. She flips the “bro hustle” paradigm on its head and is incredible and guiding people to truly tap into pleasure as they (I!) run their businesses from a totally different place than any of us were ever taught.

Julia and I were talking and had so much to say around how to ease stress around sales calls.  We came up with 4 trauma informed and pleasure based strategies to help you fill your practice and *stay* sold out (that could very easily be applied to therapists too).  Here are the themes we cover (and more!):

  • Envisioning building long term from the start and knowing people will come back if they feel safe and seen and held (which of course yields results).

  • From a business and marketing perspective it's just smart business and cost effective to retain a client versus get new leads. But beyond that it creates the pleasure and ease most of us want when we can settle into long term client relationships knowing we have a customer base that will always buy.

  • Play in the energy of being sold out and detaching from the yes and take the pressure off the sales call knowing you're building the relationship up long before you get on the phone and you'll be building once you start together and that's truly what matters.

  • Your job is to be your full self all the time to call in people who want to be around that - allows you to relax and lean back and not feel like you have to perform to prove anything.

  • Charge rates that allow you to show up at your best and the client to be fully invested. Watch how you grow your relationship to reliability (coming from 2 very "freedom-oriented" humans who at many stages in life had no idea where we'd be beyond the next 2-3 weeks).

Click the video above or the link here!

ps. if you want to learn even more tools on how to create safer space where clients get epic results, feel seen, and you feel confident, join my program now! This is for you if you want to learn how to hold space for your clients in a trauma aware way that both makes your life a hell of a lot easier and gets your clients lifelong results where they show up wanting to soak up your gifts for years because they feel soooo safe, held + seen. Get in there quick - it’s open for registration for another 10 days. Join the 370+ participants in this high-integrity REVOLUTION and gorgeous community of coaches, therapists and facilitators of many kinds.


I’m on the Empath to Power podcast!


Sharing Power with David Emerson